
Rabu, 23 September 2015

Leadership for Supervisors - Linking leaders to business results

Dear Pembaca,

Kami dengan ini menyampaiakn program "Leadership for  Supervisors - Linking Leader to business results"  Program 2 hari yang kami rancang untuk membuat para supervisor dipersiapkan menjadi pemimpin yang unggul yang menjadi inisiator dan leader masa depan di tempat anda yang berfokus pada pencapain kesejahteraan organisasi, karyawan dan bersama team mencapai dan meraih bisnis goal.

Latar belakang atau background

This leadership management program's active-learning approach blends interactive lectures with hands-on experiences that put the principles into practice. Facilitator will challenge participants to examine his/her own management objectives and leadership style, explain HOW TO DEVELOP LEADERSHIP STYLE LINKING TO BUSINESS RESULTS. 

In 2 (two) days-program, participants will focus on their current challenges. Learning experiment with new approaches and behaviours during applied learning sessions, receive constructive feedback and insights from facilitator, and leave with specific action steps for resolving current and future challenges in the organization

All participants will examine their own management objective and leadership style, they will discover why some of methods aren't working — and how they can build on their strengths.

The focus is on results.
  1. They will apply the insights to one of their leadership challenges in class and design an action plan to resolve it.
  2. They will also create a roadmap for future success as  they learn to:
       Communicate their leadership objectives with clarity and impact.
       Strengthen their power of influence and test new approaches for motivating others.
Use a “Self-Design” process to make lasting changes in  their leadership style and behaviours

          Senior Manager, Manager, Assistant Manager, Section Head, Supervisor.
          Max. 25 participants/batch.        
Laptop should be prepared  for each participants by company

Blended learning which are combined: lecturing, exercise/case study/group discussion and presentation.

       2-day effective  (9am – 5pm)
       Training room with round-table format + 5 flip-chart

       The course workshop and examination cost, including all fees and materials is IDR 60.000.000,-.
       All training material in soft-file format.
Exclude transportation and accommodation outside of Jakarta

Pendaftaran dan In-House Training :
Mrs. Luska

HP: +62811891352
Email anovaluska@yahoo.com
Transfer ke Rekening  Bank Mandiri  no rek 138 00 1510739 9
 PT. Freemind Management Consulting


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