
Senin, 02 Juli 2018

Measuring HR Effectiveness – Certified Human Capital Analytics Specialist HCMM

Measuring HR Effectiveness – Certified Human Capital Analytics Specialist (HUMAN CAPITAL MATURITY MODEL)

One Day Certificate Program

Measuring HR Effectiveness

Certified Human Capital Analytics Specialist
18 July 2018, HOTEL FAVE LTC GLODOK, Jakarta


HR leaders help drive business performance by delivering competitive advantage through people. Performance relies on measures, so you need to be adept at planning and interpreting your organization’s “people metrics.” This requires a solid grasp of HR analytics: the systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of data designed to improve decisions about talent and the organization as a whole. The use of analytics is changing the way HR professionals quantify the value that people—our biggest asset—have on the organization’s ability to succeed in the market or in its mission.
In this course, based on the expertise of Haris H. Sudauruk senior Global HR Consultant, you take a strategic view of your organization’s use of HR data and its measurement systems. The course prepares you to determine the HR metrics that align with your company’s strategic goals. It explains the characteristics of high quality data and equips you to find and collect that data, inside or outside your organization. It provides a high-level introduction to common analysis techniques and some mistakes to avoid when interpreting data, or when assessing reports and interpretations offered by others. In the final section of the course, you will learn to take the results of your data collection and analysis and communicate your findings in a compelling manner so that change follows.
Your ability to think strategically about people analytics will help you capture and keep the attention of your senior leadership, and will support more informed, evidence-based decision making in realms that extend well beyond the human resources office.
This course is ideal for experienced HR professionals and HR leaders participating as strategic partners in their organizations. It is also excellent for anyone in HR seeking to become more adept at collecting and using quantitative data for decision making.

  • Data Skills
Data skills that will help you to provide strategic data in your HR fuctions and whole organization.
  • Determine HR Metrics
Prepares you to understand the relevant metrics and data requirements relevant to most common types of HR initiatives.
  • Quantitative Data for Decision Making
After this course, become more adept at collecting and using quantitative data for decision making.
  • Improving Organizational Alignment
HR analytics can improve organizational alignment & understanding by helping discern between beliefs or opinions and facts.
  • HR Analytics Strategy
Help you recognize the strengths and vulnerabilities of the workforce and predict vacancies and leadership needs.

  • Identify key metrics that support an HR business case
  • Identify key stakeholder influence and power relationships that impact on support for business case initiatives
  • Use both qualitative and quantitative measures to influence decisions
  • Understand the concept of return on investment (ROI) and its practical application in determining and proposing value
  • Course format inclusive of facilitator-led discussion, individual and group activities, group discussions, skills practice, templates and resources.

Software, Human Capital Dashboard, Ebook People Data & Analytics

Fasilitator :

Haris H. Sidauruk
Saat ini beliau menjabat sebagai VP & Senior Consultant  SDM & Manufacturing improvement pada salah satu perusahaan di Indonesia (PT. Freemind Management Consulting). Sebagai seorang professional, beliau pernah menempati beberapa jabatan diantaranya : sebagai Management Trainee, Production Manager, HR & Training Manager, TPM Manager, HSE Manager (PT. Multi Bintang Indonesia Tbk, (Heineken Group), PT United Can Company Tbk dan sebagainya. Pengalaman sebagai konsultan, dan instruktur di antaranya di PT. Telkom , Pertamina, Genting Oil Kasuri, dll dalam menyiapkan Tim HR nya untuk meraih sertifikasi internasional, memberikan pembekalan dan Sertifikasi HR bagi Tim HR di Indofood, Pertamina, Pinago Utama, Dunia Teknik, Departemen Industri RI,  PT Kansai, Allianz Group,  RS Premier Ramsay group, Lotte Mart Indonesia, dll .
Memberikan konsultansi dan melakukan beberapa projek HR seperti WLA, Pengembangan organisasi, Total Rewards (JA JD JE JG memperbaiki sistem pengupahan berbasis kinerja dengan HAY system, MERCER)  pada beberapa perusahaan seperti Akira Data, Rumah Sakit Premier Ramsay Group, PT KINO dll .
Membuat dan mengembangkan Talent Management Suites dengan matriks HAV, RTC, ICP Individual Career Plan, Performance & IDP Individual Development Program Cycle Plan, Leader development Execution.
Serta memberikan workshop publik dan sertifikasi bagi profesional SDM di Indonesia yang diikuti juga praktisi dari Australia dan Philipina. Juga aktif dalam kepengurusan ISHRM  The Indonesia Society of Human Resource Management  (PMSM Indonesia) dalam bidang pengembangan dan pelatihan
Beliau juga mengajar di beberapa tempat group HR, HRM Indonesia, Seminar-seminarku, Episentrum, PT.Indo Human Resource, Info Seminar, Warta Training, Indo HR professional, PT Jhonson Indonesia , PT Intracopenta, PMSM Indonesia, PT Samchad Indonesia  dlsb.

My blog Talent Management Suites

Pendaftaran dan In-House Training :
Mrs. Anova

HP: +62811891352
Email anovaluska@yahoo.com
Investasi: Rp 3.000.000 / peserta 

Form Pendaftaran : Serifikasi Professional HR
Tanggal                  :
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Perusahaan            :
No. Telp                  :
No.HP                    :
PIN BB                   :
Email                      :
Transfer tgl             :

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