
Sabtu, 22 April 2017

Certified Industrial Relations Professional (JAKARTA) 4 - 5 Mei 2017

Certified Industrial Relations Professional (JAKARTA)
(Sertifikasi Praktisi Hubungan Industrial)

04 - 05 Mei 2017



INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS & BEST PRACTICE (modified based on best practice in Indonesia)


The development of Industrial Relations today's many challenges. Changes in circumstances due to globalization, reforms which include freedom of association, the implementation of human rights, rule of law, changes in laws and crustaceans, regional autonomy, the application of international labor standards, infrastructure and investment climate, helped change the pattern of industrial relations, particularly changes in behavior and attitudes concerning many aspects such as social, cultural, economic, political and efforts to increase prosperity.

Facing this reality, the Industrial Relations practitioners required to be more synergistic and quickly adapt to national conditions and environment with reference to the existing legislation , to create the Industrial Relations conducive to increased productivity of the company.

2017 Jakarta UMP began with an increase of 8.22% (from Rp 3.1 million to Rp 3.35 million). A leader of Trade Unions has launched a call that's years ahead of the UMP should rise 23% in 2017. Due to the current UMP / UMKK same for all types of businesses, many medium and small companies like or not want to reduce the number of employees. Starting with the outsourcing, then the contract (PKWT), and the  permanent employees (PKWTT).

The flood of cheap products from abroad forced , some companies must improve efficiency by reducing employees. A challenge for us is how to implement layoffs in a straightforward and fast and normative (agile) that is expected to reduce the occurrence of conflict

Based on the aforementioned problems then realized that the functions of Industrial Relations is extremely strategic in creating a conducive working environment, safe and sustainable eventually facilitate a conducive working environment. With a harmonious relationship every management policy had the support of all employees and in turn where the company can survive and even thrive going forward.

This workshop is presented in detail the knowledge and practice of IR are divided into three (3) domain, which is the realm of increased cooperation in order to build a common visions and objectives between employers and employees and other stakeholders as well as how when a company is forced by circumstances VUCA Volatile Uncertainty Complexity and ambiguity which requires the CEO to conduct an unpopular program that OD program implementation, the company was faced to implement layoffs that poses no conflict. How should we do?.

In the event of a conflict or mismatch between employers and employees, then there are four potential solutions that moment:

1. Avoid (I lose you lose}

2. Accomodate (I lose you win)

3. Compete (I win you lose)

4. Compromise (I win you win partly partly)

5. Collaborate (I win you win).

Whatever we do in the end all will result in losses for both sides.

The main points that will be discussed include basic concepts of labor and management cooperation, differences in cooperation with collective bargaining,  how to start and manage and perform monitoring. also presented the main points of man power law that absolute attention anyway, from the beginning their working relation, then during the course of employment, until after the expiration of the employment  relationship by reference to its main labor regulations governing the rights and obligations of the parties in the relationship work (firms and workers / laborers) and its relationship with SP / SB and government legislation in the field of labor-related

Understanding of the regulatory aspects related to the implementation of the employment relationship by the perpetrators of good industrial relations in Indonesia that employees / workers, entrepreneurs and representatives of the government in this case the Ministry employees to be recognized is still far from expectations. Socialization is relatively minimal and awareness to understand that is still low and very often used as a scapegoat for the condition. Man power policies in force in a company established based on the consideration of "How Normally?" without knowing or understanding the legal basis "How Supposedly".

Harmonization and Employee Engagement is the main thing in the creation of an organization that is effective, productive and profitable addition to the creation of Talent who later became Leader who in turn creates organization that supports the achievement of the 3 Bottom Lines (double digit growth, CSR and Ecological, eco-friendly environment).


IR Practitioner Specialist who worked less than 5 years
HR generalist practitioners who work less than 7 years
Enthusiasts and observers of Industrial Relations

Participants will acquire knowledge and skills on:

The concept and function of Industrial Relations: Strategic IR and discusses the realm of cooperation and negotiations in the realm of IR
The basics of labor and management cooperation and implementation challenges
Setting objectives, the nature, function and structure of labor and management cooperation
How to initiate, manage and monitor the cooperation of workers and enterprises
Legislation concerning IR. (Law, PP / Kepmen / SE, Corporate Regulation / PKB / PP
Institutional IR field. (Bipatrit, Tripatrit, Dispute Resolution body, and others)
The challenges behind the existence of trade unions. (Regulations SP, Cooperation and challenge).
Function and Regulation critical aspects of the company and CLA (Collective Labor Agreement).
Industrial Dispute Settlement.
Others associated with outsourcing, worker, PKWT, PKWTT etc.
Problematic PKWT and MATRIX PKWT and the consequences of being PKWTT
The right mental attitude to become a professional IR initiator in each phase of IR: the realm of cooperation, negotiation and law enforcement sphere internal
IR Clinic
The concept of normative Labour Law
To lay off workers without conflict or lead to uncertainty


1. Industrial Relations

2. Tool of Industrial relations and Employment

3. PKWT (employment agreement within certain period) in OUTSOURCING (Problematic PKWT and MATRIX PKWT and the consequences of being PKWTT (fix employee)

4. PP / PKB and normative aspects Inustrial relation (wages, working time, etc.)

5. Social Security

6. Layoffs in general

7. Strike & Industrial Dispute

8. Unions and Lembaga Kerjasama Bipartit

9. The concept of normative Labour Law

10. How do layoffs without damaging the company's image and does not cause a fuss

11. How do the rationalization program

12. Package golden shakehand vs early retirement

13. How to make layoffs a blessing not the end of the world. Career Transition Services Program. What is that?

14. How do layoffs according to the procedures and brief and within budget

15. Technical negotiations in layoffs, layoffs do with the decision of the Constitutional Court

Complete Software Law / Employment Ordinance
Material Module Mediator Training accredited by BAMI
Plus other special bonus

This training is recommended for corporate leaders, HR practitioners, the Manager, Assistant Manager, Supervisor, level Chief and supervisor candidates for all functions of the organization.

Lecturing, case studies, simulation exercises and group discussion. Participants are guided to active is the key to successful learning this class.

Fasilitator :

Haris H. Sidauruk
Saat ini beliau menjabat sebagai VP & Senior Consultant  SDM & Manufacturing improvement pada salah satu perusahaan di Indonesia (PT. Freemind Management Consulting). Sebagai seorang professional, beliau pernah menempati beberapa jabatan diantaranya : sebagai Management Trainee, Production Manager, HR & Training Manager, TPM Manager, HSE Manager (PT. Multi Bintang Indonesia Tbk, (Heineken Group), PT United Can Company Tbk dan sebagainya. Pengalaman sebagai konsultan, dan instruktur di antaranya di PT. Telkom , Pertamina, Genting Oil Kasuri, dll dalam menyiapkan Tim HR nya untuk meraih sertifikasi internasional, memberikan pembekalan dan Sertifikasi HR bagi Tim HR di Indofood, Pertamina, Pinago Utama, Dunia Teknik, Departemen Industri RI,  PT Kansai, Allianz Group,  RS Premier Ramsay group, Lotte Mart Indonesia, dll .
Memberikan konsultansi dan melakukan beberapa projek HR seperti WLA, Pengembangan organisasi, Total Rewards (JA JD JE JG memperbaiki sistem pengupahan berbasis kinerja dengan HAY system, MERCER)  pada beberapa perusahaan seperti Akira Data, Rumah Sakit Premier Ramsay Group, PT KINO dll .
Membuat dan mengembangkan Talent Management Suites dengan matriks HAV, RTC, ICP Individual Career Plan, Performance & IDP Individual Development Program Cycle Plan, Leader development Execution.
Serta memberikan workshop publik dan sertifikasi bagi profesional SDM di Indonesia yang diikuti juga praktisi dari Australia dan Philipina. Juga aktif dalam kepengurusan ISHRM  The Indonesia Society of Human Resource Management  (PMSM Indonesia) dalam bidang pengembangan dan pelatihan
Beliau juga mengajar di beberapa tempat group HR, HRM Indonesia, Seminar-seminarku, Episentrum, PT.Indo Human Resource, Info Seminar, Warta Training, PT Jhonson Indonesia , PT Intracopenta, PMSM Indonesia dlsb.

Pendaftaran dan In-House Training :
Mrs. Anova

HP: +62811891352
Email anovaluska@yahoo.com
Investasi: Rp 4.500.000 / peserta 
Form Pendaftaran : Serifikasi Professional HR
Tanggal                  :
Nama                     :
Perusahaan            :
No. Telp                  :
No.HP                    :
PIN BB                   :
Email                      :
Transfer tgl             :

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